Apr 15, 2016 | Blog, Fun Stuff, Special Events, Wineries
Do you dream about bacon? Do you add bacon to breakfast, lunch and dinner? If so, you are a bacon addict and you need to make plans to attend the Wild Bacon Wine Trail May 7 & 8! Bacon and wine you say? Well, yes, we feel wine goes with anything..ah, or bacon goes...Apr 7, 2016 | Blog, Fun Stuff, Special Events, Wineries
Spring is here! The Hermann Wine Trail wineries have much planned this April to kick off the season! From a month long 25th Anniversary Party, Antique Show, and weekend live music, there is something for everyone! Upcoming winery events: Adam Puchta Winery – Bubbles...Mar 22, 2016 | Blog, Wineries, Wines
Hermann’s wine history is renowned, not only for our dry red Norton, but also for our popular fruity sweet wines such as Catawba and Concord. In celebration of March Madness sweeping the nation, the Hermann Wine...Mar 18, 2016 | Blog, Wineries, Wines
Whether you are having an Easter brunch or dinner, Hermann Wine Trail wineries have a wide selection of wines for you to choose from for your celebration. We have suggestions for the traditional ham and lamb dishes and...Mar 11, 2016 | Blog, Community, Fun Stuff, Special Events, Wineries
It feels like spring on the Hermann Wine Trail! Evertything is starting to wake up and bloom! There is so much to do in Hermann in the next few weeks. Upcoming winery events & winery news: Adam Puchta Winery – Bubbles & Burgers, Friday March 18 An evening of...Mar 4, 2016 | Blog, Community, Fun Stuff, Special Events, Wineries, Wines
Wurstfest is a city wide two day festival in Hermann, that celebrates the traditional art of German sausage making on March 19 & 20! Professional sausage makers serve samples and host sausage sales for the sausage loving crowd. Professional and amateur sausage...