Served at the 2019 Berries & BarBQ Wine Trail, Adam Puchta Winery


1 lb. chicken tenders (or favorite cut of meat)

Weber’s white wine marinade mix, or marinade mix of your choosing. Be sure to use your favorite Adam Puchta white wine!

bamboo or metal skewers



Follow instructions on marinade package being sure to utilize Adam Puchta wine, of course.

Coat chicken with marinade, let it marinate for 4 hours. (in the fridge)

Thread tenders onto skewers, place on oven-safe pan.

Smoke at 225° for 40 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 165°.

Serve alongside watermelon feta salad, with Adam Puchta Sweet Tea Traminette!

Adam Puchta Winery Smoked Chicken Skewers and Watermelon Feta Salad



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