Served at the 2011 Chocolate Wine Trail

1 package Vanilla Pudding, chill
1 package Chocolate Pudding, chill

1 cup fine quality margarine
1 1/2 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup coarsely chopped pecans

Combine margarine and sugar in a heavy two-quart saucepan. cook over low heat, stirring until mixture comes to a full boil. Do not burn. Continue to boil, stirring occasionally, until mixture reaches hard crack state or a candy thermometer registers 300°. Remove from heat. Quickly stir in chopped pecans. Pour into a greased 9 x 13 pan. Spread evenly with a spatula. cool until completely hardened. Break toffee into irregular pieces.

Layer chocolate and vanilla pudding alternately in individual dessert dishes, top with whipped cream, place vanilla wafers along the sides, place several pieces of toffee on top of whipped cream.

Serve with OakGlenn River View Red.



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